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Strive Hard to Forge Ahead, Overcome All the Obstacles for a Better Future—PRCO Carried out Flag-Raising and Pledge Activities on Anniversary Celebration

2017/03/21 总点击:4871次 更详细的信息?欢迎致电:4008120198

In this year, March 16th is the 29th anniversary of PRCO, headquarter carried out flag-raising and pledge activities on anniversary celebration. At 8:10 on March 16th, in the cultural square at headquarter, employees dressed up for the flag-raising and pledge activities. Chairman Mr. Baikuan Liu, President Mr. Daoming Shi, chairman of the board of supervisors Mr. Zhiyan Guo, and several executives of the company, leaders of Puyang production base, all staff of the head office attended the ceremony. 

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