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The State Administration of Work Safety Conducted Specific Inspection on Occupational Disease Prevention and Control in PRCO

2016/05/30 总点击:5313次 更详细的信息?欢迎致电:4008120198

On May 26th, the State Administration of Work Safety Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Evaluation Group of 5 people carried out specific inspection on occupational disease prevention and control inspection in PRCO Liutun factory. More than 10 people accompanied the group throughout the inspection, including leaders from Henan Safety Supervision Bureau, Puyang Safety Supervision Bureau, Puyang County People's Government, Puyang County Safety Supervision Bureau, and occupational health supervisors. Leaders from PRCO Safety Management Division and Liutun office, and safety management staff accompanied and reported the company's work on occupational disease prevention and management and safety management.

The specific inspection is based on the requirements of Notice on General Administration of State Administration to Continue Work on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease Prevention and Control (Safety Supervision Office Statistics﹝2016 ﹞ NO.18) , and the main purpose is to push the relevant departments and employers to take measures to take responsibility in effectively implementing the prevention and control of occupational disease, to improve the working conditions of the workplace, to protect the health of employees according to the National Occupational Disease Prevention and Control Plan  (2009 - 2015). The assessment organization mainly adopts the way of inter-provincial mutual evaluation. Assessment method combined data review and on-site sampling assessment. 

After the inspection, safety management division reported the inspection through PRCO safety management WeChat group, requiring all the factories to study relevant laws and regulations occupational health, strengthen the occupation health and safety management, and sort out and improve the occupational disease prevention and control management system, and put the occupational hazards prevention and control of the into practice, to protect the health and safety of employees, in order to achieve the occupational health management goal of ‘safety in workplace and at home, safety till retirement’, and build a safe PRCO.

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