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PRCO Held the Seminar on Safety and Environment Protection Management

2017/07/31 总点击:8142次 更详细的信息?欢迎致电:4008120198

On the morning of July 31th, PRCO held the seminar on safety and environment protection management of the second quarter in 2017, and one main venue and eight sub-venues were set for this seminar. Over 40 responsible persons, safety directors and management personnel from 14 departments and the subsidiaries attended the seminar. The CEO, Mr. Daoming Shi, made an important speech and the Minister of Operation Management Department, Mr. Jianyao Liu, presided over the seminar. On the one hand, participants should conscientiously study and learn the spirit of Daoming Shi’s speech, strictly examine three kinds of violations phenomena, and supervise the implementation of the security work. On the other hand, the branch-plants should carry out and attach great importance to the concerted and cooperative management on safety and environment protection work of the third quarter in 2017, striving to elevate the level of management in every plant and the whole company.

(Text & Picture by Zhang Xiangyan  )

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